Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SCSectionActions.h


This class hosts a set of section action blocks. Once an action is set to a desired code block, it will execute the block as soon as the action occurs.



Action gets called to give you the chance to return a custom cell for the section’s item, instead of the automatically generated standard SCTableViewCell.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCCellForRowAtIndexPathAction_Block cellForRowAtIndexPath

Return Value

The custom cell. Must only be of type SCCustomCell or subclass. Note: returning nil ignores the implementation of this action.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.cellForRowAtIndexPath = ^SCCustomCell*(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    // '1' and '2' are the tags of the labels corresponding to 
    // the firstName and lastName object properties  ( NO NEED to provide bindingsString if your cell uses curly brace binding )
    NSString *bindingsString = @"1:firstName;2:lastName";

    SCCustomCell *customCell = [SCCustomCell cellWithText:nil objectBindingsString:bindingsString nibName:@"MyCustomCell"];

    return customCell;

// Swift
sectionActions.cellForRowAtIndexPath =
    (itemsSection, indexPath) in

    // '1' and '2' are the tags of the labels corresponding to 
    // the firstName and lastName object properties
    let bindingsString = "1:firstName;2:lastName"

    let customCell = SCCustomCell(text:nil objectBindingsString:bindingsString nibName:"MyCustomCell")

    return customCell


Warning: If more than one type of custom cell is returned (e.g.: depending on the indexPath), then you must also use the reuseIdentifierForRowAtIndexPath action to return a unique reuse id for each different cell you return. Otherwise, there is no need to set the reuseIdentifierForRowAtIndexPath action.

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called to give you the chance to return a custom cell height for each of the section’s cells, instead of STV’s automatically calculated cell height.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCCustomHeightForRowAtIndexPathAction_Block customHeightForRowAtIndexPath

Return Value

The custom cell height. Note: returning UITableViewAutomaticDimension ignores the implementation of this action and will have the framework automatically calculate the cell height.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.customHeightForRowAtIndexPath = ^CGFloat(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    CGFloat cellHeight;
    if(indexPath.row % 2)
        cellHeight = 44;
        cellHeight = 60;

    return cellHeight;

// Swift
sectionActions.customHeightForRowAtIndexPath =
    (itemsSection, indexPath)->CGFloat in

    var cellHeight : CGFloat
    if indexPath.row%2 != 0
        cellHeight = 44
        cellHeight = 60

    return cellHeight


Note: Implement this action only if you would like to the cell height directly instead of having the framework automatically calculate it for you.

Declared In



Implement action to provide your own custom presentation for the detail model instead of having the framework automatically present it.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailModelSectionAction_Block customPresentDetailModel



// Objective-C
sectionActions.customPresentDetailModel = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    UIViewController *detailViewController = detailModel.viewController;
    [myNavigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];

// Swift
sectionActions.customPresentDetailModel =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath) in

    let detailViewController = detailModel.viewController
    myNavigationController?.pushViewController(detailViewController, animated:true)

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called when an existing item could not be deleted.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemDeleteFailedAction_Block deleteItemFailed


This action is typically called for Internet connection dependent data stores, such as SCWebServiceStore and SCParseStore.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.deleteItemFailed = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, NSError *error)
    NSLog(@"Operation failed with error: %@", error);

// Swift
sectionActions.deleteItemFailed =
    (itemsSection, item, error) in

    NSLog("Operation failed with error: %@", error)

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called when an existing item is being deleted, but no data store connection could be established.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemDeleteNoConnectionAction_Block deleteItemNoConnection


This action is typically called for Internet connection dependent data stores, such as SCWebServiceStore and SCParseStore. Return YES to try operation again later when connection is available (currently only available with SCParseDefinition), otherwise return NO to call the deleteItemFailed action.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.deleteItemNoConnection = ^BOOL(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item)
    NSLog(@"No connection available for current operation. Will try again later.");

    return YES;  // try again later

// Swift
sectionActions.deleteItemNoConnection =
    (itemsSection, item)->Bool in

    NSLog("No connection available for current operation. Will try again later.")

    return true  // try again later

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called after the section’s detail model is fully configured, including the addition of all automatically generated sections.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailModelSectionAction_Block detailModelConfigured


This action is typically used to add additional custom sections, or modify the already existing automatically generated ones.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailModelConfigured = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    SCTableViewSection *customSection = [SCTableViewSection section];
    SCCustomCell *customCell = [SCCustomCell cellWithText:@"Custom Cell"];
    [customSection addCell:customCell];

    [detailModel addSection:customSection];

// Swift
sectionActions.detailModelConfigured =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath) in

    let customSection = SCTableViewSection()
    let customCell = SCCustomCell(text: "Custom Cell")


Note: In general, it is easier (and more recommended) to add your custom sections and cells using the data definitions, instead of using this action to do so. For more information, please refer to SCDataDefinition and SCCustomPropertyDefinition.

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called right after the section’s detail model is created, before configuration is set or any sections are added.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailModelSectionAction_Block detailModelCreated


This action is typically used to initially configure the detail model (like set a custom tag for example). Most of the model’s settings can also be configure in the detailModelConfigured action.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailModelCreated = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    detailModel.tag = 100;

// Swift
sectionActions.detailModelCreated =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath) in

    detailModel.tag = 100

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called when the section’s detail model’s view controller has been dismissed.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailModelSectionAction_Block detailModelDidDismiss



// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailModelDidDismiss = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    NSLog(@"Detail model has been dismissed.");

// Swift
sectionActions.detailModelDidDismiss =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath) in

    NSLog("Detail model has been dismissed.")

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called when the section’s detail model has been presented in its own view controller.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailModelSectionAction_Block detailModelDidPresent



// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailModelDidPresent = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    NSLog(@"Detail model has been presented.");

// Swift
sectionActions.detailModelDidPresent =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath) in

    NSLog("Detail model has been presented.")

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called to give you a chance to decide if the detail model should be dismissed. Return YES to allow the detail model to be dismissed, otherwise return NO.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCConditionalDetailModelSectionAction_Block detailModelShouldDismiss



// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailModelShouldDismiss = ^BOOL(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    return YES;  // allow detail model to be dismissed

// Swift
sectionActions.detailModelShouldDismiss =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath)->Bool in

    return true  // allow detail model to be dismissed

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called when the section’s detail model’s view controller is about to be dismissed.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailModelSectionAction_Block detailModelWillDismiss



// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailModelWillDismiss = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    NSLog(@"Detail model will be dismissed.");

// Swift
sectionActions.detailModelWillDismiss =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath) in

    NSLog("Detail model will be dismissed.")

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called when the section’s detail model is about to be presented in its own view controller.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailModelSectionAction_Block detailModelWillPresent


This action is typically used to further customize the detail model’s view controller.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailModelWillPresent = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, SCTableViewModel *detailModel, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    detailModel.viewController.title = @"My custom title";

// Swift
sectionActions.detailModelWillPresent =
    (section, detailModel, indexPath) in

    detailModel.viewController.title = "My custom title"

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Warning: In the case where the detail model is not associated with an existing row (such as the case when ‘SCArrayOfObjectsSection’ creates a new item), indexPath.row will be set to NSNotFound. This is a good way to test if the detail model was generated for a new item or an already existing one.

Declared In



Action gets called to give you the chance to return a custom detail model for the section’s detail view controller.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailTableViewModelForRowAtIndexPathAction_Block detailTableViewModelForRowAtIndexPath

Return Value

The custom detail model. The returned detail model should not be associated with any table views, as the framework will automatically handle this on your behalf. Note: returning nil ignores the implementation of this action.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailTableViewModelForRowAtIndexPath = ^SCTableViewModel*(SCTableViewSection *section, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    return myCustomTableViewModel;

// Swift
sectionActions.detailTableViewModelForRowAtIndexPath =
    (section, indexPath)->SCTableViewModel in

    return myCustomTableViewModel


This action is typically used to provide your own custom detail model, instead of the one automatically generated by the section.

Note: It is much more common to use the detailViewController action instead, assigning the custom model in the custom view controller’s viewDidLoad method.

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called to give you the chance to return a custom detail view controller for the section.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDetailViewControllerForRowAtIndexPathAction_Block detailViewControllerForRowAtIndexPath

Return Value

The custom view controller. Must only be of type SCViewController or SCTableViewController. Note: returning nil ignores the implementation of this action.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.detailViewController = ^UIViewController*(SCTableViewSection *section, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    MyCustomViewController *customVC = [[MyCustomViewController alloc] initWithNib:@"MyCustomViewController" bundle:nil];

    return customVC;

// Swift
sectionActions.detailViewController =
    (section, indexPath)->UIViewController in

    let customVC = MyCustomViewController(nibName: "MyCustomViewController", bundle: nil)

    return customVC


This action is typically used to provide your own custom detail view controller, instead of the one automatically generated by the section.

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called after the section has retrieved its items from their data store, and the framework has automatically added any needed special cells (e.g.: placeholder cell, load more cell, etc.) to the items array.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDidAddSpecialCellsAction_Block didAddSpecialCells


This action is typically used to customize the ‘items’ array after it has been fetched from the data store and the special cells added to it.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.didAddSpecialCells = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSMutableArray *items)
    // Add a button cell at the end of the items list
    SCTableViewCell *buttonCell = [SCTableViewCell cellWithText:@"Tap me!" textAlignment:NSTextAlignmentCenter];
    buttonCell.cellActions.didSelect = ^(SCTableViewCell *cell, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
        NSLog(@"buttonCell tapped!");

    [items addObject:buttonCell];

// Swift
sectionActions.didAddSpecialCells =
    (itemsSection, items) in

    // Add a button cell at the end of the items list

    let buttonCell = SCTableViewCell(text: "Tap me!", textAlignment: .Center)
    buttonCell.cellActions.didSelect =
        (cell, indexPath) in

        NSLog("buttonCell tapped!")


Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called right after the section has been added to a model.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionAction_Block didAddToModel


This action is typically used to get hold of the section at data definition time and perform any additional configuration.


// Objective-C
myArrayOfObjectsAttributes.expandContentInCurrentView = YES;
myArrayOfObjectsAttributes.expandedContentSectionActions.didAddToModel = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, NSUInteger sectionIndex)
    // set all expanded cells to a different background color
    section.cellActions.willDisplay = ^(SCTableViewCell *cell, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
        cell.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];

// Swift
myArrayOfObjectsAttributes.expandContentInCurrentView = true
myArrayOfObjectsAttributes.expandedContentSectionActions.didAddToModel =
    (section, sectionIndex) in

    // set all expanded cells to a different background color
    section.cellActions.willDisplay =
        (cell, indexPath) in

        cell.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellowColor

Declared In



Action gets called as soon as the section has created a new item to be used in its add new item detail view (which usually apprears right after the user taps the section’s Add button).

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemDidCreateAction_Block didCreateItem


This action is typically used to customize the newly created item before the new item detail view is displayed.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.didCreateItem = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item)
    // Set an initial value for startDate
    [item setValue:[NSDate date] forKey:@"startDate"];

// Swift
sectionActions.didCreateItem =
    (itemsSection, item) in

    // Set an initial value for startDate
    item.setValue(NSDate(), forKey:@"startDate")

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called as soon as an existing item has been deleted.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemDidDeleteAction_Block didDeleteItem


This action is typically used to provide custom functionality after an item has been deleted.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.didDeleteItem = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    NSLog(@"Item at indexPath: %@ has been deleted.", indexPath);

// Swift
sectionActions.didDeleteItem =
    (itemsSection, indexPath) in

    NSLog("Item at indexPath: %@ has been deleted.", indexPath)

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called as soon as the section has retrieved its items from their data store.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCDidFetchSectionItemsAction_Block didFetchItemsFromStore


This action is typically used to customize the ‘items’ array after it has been fetched from the data store. Items can be added, removed, or rearranged. The added items can either be objects that are suppored by the data store, or normal SCTableViewCell (or subclass) objects.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.didFetchItemsFromStore = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSMutableArray *items)
    // Add a button cell at the end of the items list
    SCTableViewCell *buttonCell = [SCTableViewCell cellWithText:@"Tap me!" textAlignment:NSTextAlignmentCenter];
    buttonCell.cellActions.didSelect = ^(SCTableViewCell *cell, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
        NSLog(@"buttonCell tapped!");

    [items addObject:buttonCell];

// Swift
sectionActions.didFetchItemsFromStore =
    (itemsSection, items) in

    // Add a button cell at the end of the items list

    let buttonCell = SCTableViewCell(text: "Tap me!", textAlignment: .Center)
    buttonCell.cellActions.didSelect =
        (cell, indexPath) in

        NSLog("buttonCell tapped!")


Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called as soon as a new item has been added to the section.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemDidInsertAction_Block didInsertItem


This action is typically used to provide custom functionality after a new item has been added.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.didInsertItem = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    NSLog(@"New item inserted at indexPath: %@", indexPath);

// Swift
sectionActions.didInsertItem =
    (itemsSection, item, indexPath) in

    NSLog("New item inserted at indexPath: %@", indexPath)

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called as soon as an existing item has been updated.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemDidUpdateAction_Block didUpdateItem


This action is typically used to modify the item’s values or provide custom functionality after an item has been updated.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.didUpdateItem = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    // Set a default description if no description is set
    if(![item valueForKey:@"description"])
        [item setValue:@"My default description" forKey:@"description"];

// Swift
sectionActions.didUpdateItem =
    (itemsSection, item, indexPath) in

    // Set a default description if no description is set
    if item.valueForKey("description") == nil
        item.setValue("My default description", forKey: "description")

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called if the section fails to retrieve its items from their data store.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCFetchSectionItemsFailedAction_Block fetchItemsFromStoreFailed


This action is typically used when the section is bound to a web service and you want to give the user feedback that their web service was not reachable.


// Objective-C
 sectionActions.fetchItemsFromStoreFailed = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSError *error)
      NSLog(@"Failed retrieving section items with error: %@", error);

// Swift
sectionActions.fetchItemsFromStoreFailed =
    (itemsSection, error) in

    NSLog("Failed retrieving section items with error: %@", error)

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called when a newly created item could not be inserted into the section.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemInsertFailedAction_Block insertItemFailed


This action is typically called for Internet connection dependent data stores, such as SCWebServiceStore and SCParseStore.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.insertItemFailed = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, NSError *error)
    NSLog(@"Operation failed with error: %@", error);

// Swift
sectionActions.insertItemFailed =
    (itemsSection, item, error) in

    NSLog("Operation failed with error: %@", error)

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called when a newly created item is being inserted into the section, but no data store connection could be established.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemInsertNoConnectionAction_Block insertItemNoConnection


This action is typically called for Internet connection dependent data stores, such as SCWebServiceStore and SCParseStore. Return YES to try operation again later when connection is available (currently only available with SCParseDefinition), otherwise return NO to call the insertItemFailed action.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.insertItemNoConnection = ^BOOL(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item)
    NSLog(@"No connection available for current operation. Will try again later.");

    return YES;  // try again later

// Swift
sectionActions.insertItemNoConnection =
    (itemsSection, item)->Bool in

    NSLog("No connection available for current operation. Will try again later.")

    return true  // try again later

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



In case more than one type of custom cell is returned in cellForRowAtIndexPath, this action gets called to give you the chance to return a custom cell reuse identifier for each different type.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCReuseIdForRowAtIndexPathAction_Block reuseIdentifierForRowAtIndexPath

Return Value

An NSString containing the custom cell reuse identifier.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.cellForRowAtIndexPath = ^SCCustomCell*(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    SCCustomCell *customCell;
    if(indexPath.row % 2)
        customCell = [[MyCustomOddCell alloc] init];
        customCell = [[MyCustomEvenCell alloc] init];

    return customCell;
sectionActions.reuseIdentifierForRowAtIndexPath = ^NSString*(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    NSString *reuseId;
    if(indexPath.row % 2)
        reuseId = @"OddCell";
        reuseId = @"EvenCell";

    return reuseId;

// Swift
sectionActions.cellForRowAtIndexPath =
    (itemsSection, indexPath)->SCCustomCell in

    var customCell : SCCustomCell
    if indexPath.row%2 != 0
        customCell = MyCustomOddCell()
        customCell = MyCustomEvenCell()

    return customCell
sectionActions.reuseIdentifierForRowAtIndexPath =
    (itemsSection, indexPath)->String in

    var reuseId : String
    if indexPath.row%2 != 0
        reuseId = "OddCell"
        reuseId = "EvenCell"

    return reuseId


Note: You only need to set this action if more than one type of custom cell is returned in cellForRowAtIndexPath.

Note: This action is only applicable to sections that generate detail views, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called when an existing item could not be updated.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemUpdateFailedAction_Block updateItemFailed


This action is typically called for Internet connection dependent data stores, such as SCWebServiceStore and SCParseStore.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.updateItemFailed = ^(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, NSError *error)
    NSLog(@"Operation failed with error: %@", error);

// Swift
sectionActions.updateItemFailed =
    (itemsSection, item, error) in

    NSLog("Operation failed with error: %@", error)

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called when an existing item is being updated, but no data store connection could be established.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemUpdateNoConnectionAction_Block updateItemNoConnection


This action is typically called for Internet connection dependent data stores, such as SCWebServiceStore and SCParseStore. Return YES to try operation again later when connection is available (currently only available with SCParseDefinition), otherwise return NO to call the updateItemFailed action.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.updateItemNoConnection = ^BOOL(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item)
    NSLog(@"No connection available for current operation. Will try again later.");

    return YES;  // try again later

// Swift
sectionActions.updateItemNoConnection =
    (itemsSection, item)->Bool in

    NSLog("No connection available for current operation. Will try again later.")

    return true  // try again later

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called when the value of a section with an inherent value (such as an SCSelectionSection) has changed.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionAction_Block valueChanged



// Objective-C
sectionActions.valueChanged = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, NSUInteger sectionIndex)
    NSLog(@"Value for section at index '%i' has changed to %@", sectionIndex, section.boundValue);

// Swift
sectionActions.valueChanged =
    (section, sectionIndex) in

    NSLog("Value for section at index '%i' has changed to %@", sectionIndex, section.boundValue)

Declared In



Action gets called right before an existing item is deleted.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemWillDeleteAction_Block willDeleteItem


This action is typically used to provide you with a chance to override the item delete operation by returning FALSE.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.willDeleteItem = ^BOOL(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, NSIndexPath *indexPath)
    BOOL deleteItem;

        deleteItem = TRUE;
        deleteItem = FALSE;

    return deleteItem;

// Swift
sectionActions.willDeleteItem =
    (itemsSection, item, indexPath)->Bool in

    var deleteItem : Bool

    if myCondition==true
        deleteItem = true
        deleteItem = false

    return deleteItem

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called when the section’s footer view is about to be displayed.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionViewAction_Block willDisplayFooterView



// Objective-C
sectionActions.willDisplayFooterView = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, NSUInteger sectionIndex, UIView *view)
    NSLog(@"Footer view about to be displayed for section at index '%i'", sectionIndex);

// Swift
sectionActions.willDisplayFooterView =
    (section, sectionIndex, view) in

    NSLog("Footer view about to be displayed for section at index '%i'", sectionIndex)

Declared In



Action gets called when the section’s header view is about to be displayed.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionViewAction_Block willDisplayHeaderView



// Objective-C
sectionActions.willDisplayHeaderView = ^(SCTableViewSection *section, NSUInteger sectionIndex, UIView *view)
    NSLog(@"Header view about to be displayed for section at index '%i'", sectionIndex);

// Swift
sectionActions.willDisplayHeaderView =
    (section, sectionIndex, view) in

    NSLog("Header view about to be displayed for section at index '%i'", sectionIndex)

Declared In



Action gets called right before a newly created item is inserted into the section.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemWillInsertAction_Block willInsertItem


This action is typically used to customize the newly created item before it’s inserted. Furthermore, returning FALSE gives you the chance to discard adding the new item altogether.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.willInsertItem = ^BOOL(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, SCTableViewModel *itemModel)
    // Set a default description if no description is set
    if(![item valueForKey:@"description"])
        [item setValue:@"My default description" forKey:@"description"];

    // Accept insert
    return TRUE;

// Swift
sectionActions.willInsertItem =
    (itemsSection, item, itemModel)->Bool in

    // Set a default description if no description is set
    if item.valueForKey("description") == nil
        item.setValue("My default description", forKey: "description")

    // Accept insert
    return true

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In



Action gets called right before an existing item is updated.

@property (nonatomic, copy) SCSectionItemWillUpdateAction_Block willUpdateItem


This action is typically used to give the user the chance to discard updating the item altogether by returning FALSE.


// Objective-C
sectionActions.willUpdateItem = ^BOOL(SCArrayOfItemsSection *itemsSection, NSObject *item, NSIndexPath *indexPath, SCTableViewModel *itemModel)
        return TRUE; // Accept update
    return FALSE; // Reject update

// Swift
sectionActions.willUpdateItem =
    (itemsSection, item, indexPath, itemModel)->Bool in

    if myCondition==true
        return true
    // else
    return false

Note: This action is only applicable to SCArrayOfItemsSection subclasses, such as SCArrayOfObjectsSection.

Declared In


Instance Methods


Method assigns all the actions of another ‘SCSectionActions’ class to the current one.

- (void)setActionsTo:(SCSectionActions *)actions overrideExisting:(BOOL)override



The source ‘SCSectionActions’ class.


Set to TRUE to override any existing actions, otherwise set to FALSE.

Declared In
