Inherits from NSObject
Declared in SCTheme.h


The SCTheme class enables CSS-like styling of UIView (or any of its subclasses). Using CSS-like text files, any UIView property with a supported data type can be set. Key-path property format is fully supported (e.g. layer.cornerRadius: 5). All pointer data types accept nil as value (e.g. backgroundView: nil;).

Supported property data types:

Data Type -> Format in .sct file

NSString* -> A string between single or double quotes. Example: detailTextLabel.text: “Hello World!”;

CGFloat -> A normal number. Example: height: 60;

BOOL -> Possible values: TRUE, FALSE, YES, NO. All case insensitive. Example: clipsToBounds: NO;

UIColor* -> Any UIColor color name constructor. Example: backgroundColor: blueColor; or rgb(redValue, greenValue, blueValue, optionalAlphaValue) Example: backgroundColor: rgb(100, 0, 255); or #hexValue Example: backgroundColor: #CC33FF or A string containing an image resource. Example: backgroundColor: “background.png”;

CGColorRef -> Format identical to UIColor. Example: layer.borderColor: redColor;

CGRect -> CGRect(x, y, width, height) Example: textLabel.frame: CGRect(10, 10, 180, 30);

CGSize -> CGSize(width, height) Example: textLabel.shadowColor: darkGrayColor; textLabel.shadowOffset: CGSize(1, 1);

UIImage* -> A string containing the image resource. Example: backgroundImage: “background.png” or A string containing the image resource and capInsets(top, left, bottom, right). Example: backgroundImage: “background.png” capInsets(0,0,0,0)

UIFont* -> Font name and size separated by a space. A good resource for font names is: Example: textLabel.font: Courier-Bold 12;

UIView* -> A string containing an image resource that will be loaded into a UIImageView. Example: backgroundView: “background.png”;

UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle Any valid UITableViewCellSeparatorStyle constant. Example: separatorStyle: UITableViewCellSeparatorStyleNone;

Sample theme file: MyTheme.sct UINavigationBar { backgroundImage: “navbar-background.png”; }

    backgroundView: "leather-background.png";

    firstCellThemeStyle: firstCell;
    oddCellsThemeStyle: oddCell;
    evenCellsThemeStyle: evenCell;
    lastCellThemeStyle: lastCell;

    backgroundView: "firstCell-background.png";
    selectedBackgroundView: "selectedFirstCell-background.png";

    backgroundView: "oddCell-background.png";
    selectedBackgroundView: "selectedOddCell-background.png";

    backgroundView: "evenCell-background.png";
    selectedBackgroundView: "selectedEvenCell-background.png";

    backgroundView: "lastCell-background.png";
    selectedBackgroundView: "selectedLastCell-background.png";

Sample code needed to use the above theme file: self.tableViewModel.theme = [SCTheme themeWithPath:@“MyTheme.sct”];

Class Methods


Allocates and returns an initialized SCTheme given the path of the theme file.

+ (instancetype)themeWithPath:(NSString *)path

Declared In


Instance Methods


Returns an initialized SCTheme given the path of the theme file.

- (instancetype)initWithPath:(NSString *)path

Declared In



Styles the given object (typically a UIView subclass) using a style name provided in the theme’s theme file.

- (void)styleObject:(NSObject *)object usingThemeStyle:(NSString *)style

Declared In



Styles the given object (typically a UIView subclass) using a style name provided in the theme’s theme file, limiting the styled properties to the ones provided in propertyNames only. If propertyNames is nil, all object properties will be styled.

- (void)styleObject:(NSObject *)object usingThemeStyle:(NSString *)style onlyStylePropertyNamesInSet:(NSSet *)propertyNames


Note: Naturally, properties in propertyNames will only be styled if they exist in the theme style.

Declared In
