Inherits from SCDataStore : NSObject
Declared in SCiCloudKeyValueStore.h


SCiCloudKeyValueStore is an SCDataStore subclass that encapsulates the iCloud key-value storage, providing means for the SC framework to communicate with this storage to fetch, add, update and remove iCloud key-value entries.

Note: It is very rare when you’ll need to create an SCiCloudKeyValueStore instance yourself, as it’s typically automatically created for you when you use SCiCloudKeyValueDefinition. For example, when you use the SCTableViewModel method called [SCTableViewModel generateSectionsForiCloudKeyValueDefinition:], the model automatically sets its sections' dataStore property by calling your iCloudKeyValueDefinition’s [SCDataDefinition generateCompatibleDataStore:] method.

Note: For more information on data stores, check out the SCDataStore base class documentation.



The ubiquitous iCloud key-value store managed by the data store.

@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore *defaultiCloudKeyValueObject

Declared In
